Thursday 3 January 2013

2013.. Life have to go on~

Last December, 

Well, little Brian so busy during the last December, busy of working as well as studying. But, little Brian still managed to organised his Birthday party which happened on 22 December.. Well this is what happened during my party~

This is the group photo of all my friends included classmates, you may notice there are some international students, Yes they are. So in APU you may know many many friend from different parts of the worlds. 

Well, this is little Brian B'day cake it is nice? special design by himself.... haha 

Unexpected guest, my boss... is a big surprise.. XD

Through out the end, everything was fine by unexpected attack from my friends... ends up cake war. DAMN my face!!!!...unfortunately was not my friends started it... follow up the blog to know the main causer.

Attack non-stop going on.... wasted my cake T.T....

Revenge !!!!!!

Revenge !!!!!!

Revenge !!!!!!..opppsss 

This is Mr.Ah biao, the most innocent one who help to distribute the cakes and get attack by me... sry my fault !


My own girlfriend started it........ so guys not my fault is her fault. 

It is a memorable day for me, I can easily recall back all these moment, because it left a very deep feelings in my heart, Love all of them who came for my party.. Looking forward my 31st birthday !!! HAHA 

The first day of 2013,

The 4th day of 2013, seems to be the same as 2012 just the date has changed haha.... but the differences is that secondary school started their classes and I'm still on holiday ~ even though it was not that "fun"! But this coming weekends will have something differences which all the SA will go for a trip with all the "friends" to Port Dickson-PD .... This trip is expected as good as the last retreat to Penang! haha 

Wait for the pictures folks !!

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