Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Importance for Log off your FaceBook Account

Well, this pic shows that this guy is very disappointed and not able to do anything... 

Well, today I have nothing much to share about..  BUT I just wanna mention something that please learn to log off your FB account if you  have log in into other devices ... otherwise, unethical and unconsidered human being will simply play your FB account and give you a "gau gau lesson" ...   For example, one of my unethical friend name JL simply change my status from relationship into marriage, well its seems to be OKAY! but ... this has created a big misunderstand among my friends... the worst part is I have been inform about someone playing my FB but I cant do anything because I'm in the class.... 

well I know that is my fault not to log off my account, so I will not blame ANYONE but myself... nevertheless... the status will happen but not soooooo soooooon... haha 

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